In the lumbar region back pain: symptoms, causes, what to do, ways of treatment.

Why low back pain emerging

L back pain – an extremely common phenomenon. Biologists and paleontologists believe that evolution is like buying this and noticed such a result.

The main reasons

The two groups highlight and the reason for that pain contributed to the emergence waist.

Diseases, spine and internal organs

As a result, you may experience pain, congenital or acquired diseases.

So, from birth, especially bad habits, are the following:

  • changes, and cleft spine;
  • an irregular shape of the vertebrae in exile, elongation or shortening them.

Cleft spine: 1,2 rear, 3,4-side, 5-7-front

The data completely asymptomatic or accompanied by acute pain problem may occur when you run a certain type of tilt, difficulty moving, problems with urination, and mental retardation.

Low back pain causes may be neurological and of this character:

  • the jam the nerves of the spine (like a strong and sudden pain that can be described);
  • lumbar osteochondrosis is a result of the tension in the glass because of the pain and still lead a sedentary lifestyle Nov;
  • the sciatic nerve sciatica is characterized by atrophic changes (most often the pain hips pass this disease to a large extent and occurs suddenly).
  • multiple sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease that hits the shell of nerve fibers, the spinal cord and brain provokes different pain localization, severity, and treatment is difficult.

In addition, a character may also cause sudden pain like:

  • degenerative sacroiliitis sacroiliac joint disease representing a severe purulent inflammatory processes on the surface;
  • osteoporosis , which causes a calcium deficiency in the body, a breach or change (in the initial stages of chronic disease that is characterized by aching pain, contractions, changing posture).

Another type pain, lumbar pain, that is reflected with the character.

That can move them a host of diseases and characteristic symptoms of different organs and systems:

  • infections of the genitourinary system (Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
  • unstable and gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tumor;
  • still working in the distance, the nature of hemorrhoids;
  • tumors and polyps in the uterus;
  • complications of a cold (sore throat, flu, SARS etc);
  • radiculitis (provoke, lumbar pain, giving foot).

In some cases may be caused:

  • physiological changes (pregnancy, childbirth, pieces);
  • excessive physical load (lifting weights especially);
  • sudden weight gain;
  • epidural anesthesia.

Wound diseases and conditions which waist?

The causes of pain in men

The causes of pain in men

Lumbar pain in men may be different, and etiology and is characterized by its distinctive features.

Age and male hormonal changes have little effect on the spine, however, usually a problem with the prostate gland that can be caused by a distinct characteristic in deep pain.

These are the main reasons for lumbar pain in men are:

Nov stress

Often, people who physical labor, the nature of their activities, weak back muscles, especially, although it is a solid Nov.

You need to produce physical stress ability to deploy correctly.

The uneducated man carrying all the weight when lifting, lifting waist, right, biceps, triceps, or Nov orange. As a result, stress although strong back muscles.

Pain during stretching, will occur after appear, and the euro both hot packs, Heating ointment.

Felt that, if prolonged standing and in the supine position switch.


The reason can be broken as a serious trauma, I believe that both have suffered a lot.

The location changes, when a fracture of the spine can cause herniated disc l, even in a bad move or loss of balance.

Sign fracture, acute pain, lower back or sacral region.

Sometimes the pain to pass the upper or lower extremity, aggravated the body position changes.

Metastasis, tumor, genital

The most powerful pain bone metastases of the spine, sometimes just in passing is unbearable.

You can't put oncologist visit, what a waist of time and wound the penis or testicles.

Similar powerful drugs it can be a pain to remove only the necrotic tissue changes to stop process, you will most likely fail.

Kidney disease

Approximately one-third of male patients with low back pain if you suffer from kidney problems.

Is located kidney pain during movement is magnified and upright for a long time. Pain at rest was reduced.

If you stand for a long time, the pain gradually began to increase.

In this case, the extreme pressure that creates the surging of the liquid in the kidneys and spine.

Back pain after drinking alcohol may also increase.


This disease that causes lumbar pain and Right Rear. Sometimes painful, spoon.

Other symptoms for prostatitis, in a sense, a burning sensation during urination, erection problems.

The main reason this recession is a disease a bacterial infection or capillary blood.

The causes of pain in women

The causes of pain in women

And hormonal changes the female body are constantly exposed to shakings.

A certain type of pain, and an alarming signal that arise in the normal female body.

The pain associated with the menstrual cycle

Pain, arising at a different time, menstrual cycle, not necessarily testify to the kinds of pathology:

  • The uterus presses the back muscles increasing in size, cause discomfort for a month;
  • If you are experiencing pain wife first monthly 7-8 days to give this evidence revision required mode power. A better diet more foods rich in fiber and fruit acids.
  • Mid-cycle pain that can be associated with the output of an egg by the ovaries;
  • Monthly issues after witnessing the pain, the reproductive system is necessary in this case, visit a specialist.

Why pregnancy pain

For the first week, yet every time a woman doesn't know about her situation, she may sick the uterus and lower abdomen. Similar in nature and often such a pain premenstrual with them under the same conditions.

Months of delay in this case to talk about pregnancy or infectious process.

Sometimes she's bleeding a little bit in some places, the introduction of the egg membranes and the uterine wall dealing with them.

If the pain in the lower abdomen and waist, no monthly the first thing that needs to be done – this is a pregnancy test.

Typically, such pains to accompany a woman within a few months, in cases like this, many medications with a doctor magnesium.

During pregnancy, especially during the last weeks, most of the women facial pain, low or High waist.

The reason for this growing belly has a great weight in your back muscles.

The pain is constant and related activities, supporting the bandage necessary for the pregnant mother, shares the load between different groups Nov.

If low back pain during sleep and in the morning, most likely a woman asleep in an uncomfortable posture.

That will help you sleep special pillows for supporting a body and an obstacle voltage Nov. Of low back pain through the night must go.

The pain until the end of the period to concentrate on lower back pain right or left: this shows the position and curvature of the fetal posture.

She sits pregnant the pain will go when the giant propeller completely justified.

Abortion then

Women to abort their pregnancy for medical reasons or almost 100% in the case of the complaint Pain After abortion.

Pain causes can be:

  • inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (dysmenorrhea);
  • stress the status of women;
  • after holding the uterine contractions of abortion.

In this case, the pain is to concentrated foot or lower waist.

Regarding the pain of birth

After birth, women often have back pain. Sometimes the pain is localized where the sacrum or tailbone where. The reason for this, and sprains to injuries received during birth.

To warn a pain by making special exercises during pregnancy, or near a swimming pool.

Breastfeeding mothers can do exercises that, by focusing on his posture.

The pain accompanying the temperature rise above 37 degrees maximum, women remain largely throws, shoot doctor consultation.

Perhaps, but this an infectious process.

The suffering caused by diseases of female reproductive system

This is usually a woman's disease, and advocate that is a symptom of back pain include:


This is a bladder infection, to a large extent typical of women. Cystitis is easily diagnosed and treated.

Urine tests to understand whether the value of this disease, if you felt burning while urinating, pulling is tilted forward at the waist, improved body temperature.

Infectious processes in the vagina

Array of infections in women to cause pain down position.

This may be candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, or a viral illness.

Similar pain may also be a symptom of kidney damage.

Extensions inflammation

A woman pain uterus and ovaries, a burning sensation during urination is felt that the temperature has risen above 38 degrees are required for diagnosis and treatment of ultrasound under the supervision of an expert (of course intake of oral medications or the punishment).

Pain-related diseases of internal organs

Disease, a stomach or intestinal can cause pain in the spine.

Sometimes these pain disorders are largely propagates — give, give a foot or a wife.

Misread signal the brain that is linked with a clinical picture similar to service her organs.

If low back pain and right side demonstrates this problem, liver or pancreas.The left side shows pain with appendicitis or intestinal cramps.

Left side pain can occur while running or other physical exercise. He passes quickly and pose a risk to health.

In some places the district coccyx tingling and a little pain.

What should I do?

Ointment use

If such drugs are extremely effective, quickly to fix health care home.

Ointment use

The ointment helps to remove inflammation, sprains, it has an effect on a patient I'm warming to the waist.

The Group has the following ointments:

  • anti-inflammatory analgesics (containing drugs, substances, cooling steps and eliminates irritation — menthol, lavender, and pain medications);
  • combined use of drugs (applied to sprains and injuries, along with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect due to their composition from the healing effect of heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide);
  • of drugs irritation (the effect of widening blood vessels and blood flow is based on the source of pain);
  • chondroprotectors (one of the active components such as drugs, Chondroitin sulfate cartilage joint surfaces applied to the pathological processes of cartilage tissue stabilizer active recovery).


The action is achieved by using a needle, likewise suitable to receive ointments, oral medications.

Distinguishing characteristics this type of treatment include:

  • Speed. Withdrawals fast, strong pain medications or maybe just falling over blood Nov.
  • Yield. The active component is present to allow for correct shooting a target. Active ingredient in the gastrointestinal system is destroyed.
  • The existence of need expert. Shooting yourself difficult, therefore, required a daily visit or clinic or nurse call.
  • Maybe use only prescribed by a doctor. Malaise and severe pain and only a doctor using needle treatment may be recommended to assign that is required is a drug. You buy most by prescription only.


This method relates to tools to get rid of pain and folk medicine.

Good warm up helps the next character aches — sprains, hernia, inflammation, curvature, osteochondrosis.

In such cases, much earlier, 10 procedures a day.

Warming blood flow to the area damaged in the process that cause infective tissue and pain develops.



Massage helps get rid of your pain in the lumbar spine.

Trust him in the house to pass the clinical or specialist in any case, the benefit of this is priceless.

Positive therapeutic effects of massage include:

  • improved blood flow to the body part of the patient;
  • Nov and ligaments makes them more flexible and soft kneading;
  • withdrawal of acute pain;
  • to get rid of accumulated toxins and subcutaneous tissue Nov;
  • a pleasant feeling due to the stimulation of nerve endings in the skin;
  • the positive emotions.

A good massage or sauna bath it goes with the adoption.

In particular, the useful birch or oak steam vacuum cleaners, they all life processes stimulates and increases overall body tone.